Hi all, You must have definitely used the Profiling in Codeigniter and error_reporting many a times in Development and Testing environment, but I am sure you must have missed it on a real Production environment. As there are scenarios, where you want to quickly debug the Production application and find out what PHP errors is the application throwing, check the page profile, that too without putting the time and effort in replicating the whole production environment on your local machine, or perhaps a testing server. This small piece of code(we could perhaps call it a hack), which I have used in almost all of my CI applications, will make your life very easy, without losing anything on the security of the system. Following points, essentially sum up what exactly it does - Check for the dev(or root or admin, whichever name you use for the su access), if it is logged in, as we don't want others to see all the Profile data and other errors. Check for a specific query str